Robotics is broken.
Novel robots take 5-20 years to develop.
We are making that 100x faster with Fabricator.
All companies developing novel robots nowadays spend 5-10 years, and every year there’s a very different prototype - type of wheels changing, motors changing, sensors moving around, robot changing shape, robotic arm being replaced for a cartesian system and others. There is currently no good way of verifying a high level other than building it or at the least programming it in a detailed simulation. But that takes many months.
We’re making it possible to test thousands to millions of designs very quickly in simulation. You specify all the design questions you have, the system explores all the combinations and by training each one using reinforcement learning to do the task as well as possible, it evaluates how fast, reliable and robust it is, how high a quality it produces, how often it needs interventions from the operator, and provides videos of the robot working in different environments. With this, much better decisions can be made about which design to pursue and multiple iterations can be skipped, or a more advanced or a more efficient version can be reached directly.
In future versions we’ll move to directly generating a useful prototype in the matter of days, and eventually production ready robots for any task and environment, accelerating robot development 100x.
Initial pilot is free and only requires a couple hours from you to see how impactful Fabricator can be for you
Using Fabricator - our design automation platform you already can skip years of iteration

“You really need to say - I’m going to build many thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of robots (...) I think one could make enough progress in robotics today” Chief scientist of OpenAI
You cannot automate robot development without being able to try out different robots, measure if their speed, quality, reliability, independence etc. are all as predicted and iterating until the design automation platform is able to design every robot perfectly. We have robots ready to scale that allow us to do this.
By having our own robots in production, we can guarantee the design automation platform makes accurate predictions

Want to change the future of robotics with us?
We are always looking for brilliant people! In Europe we are hiring for reinforcement learning and software engineering positions. In Singapore we are hiring for electrical, mechanical, firmware and software engineering. In both locations we are hiring full-timers, interns and limited remote positions.
Sounds interesting?
We are hiring!
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Software/ML Engineering
Reinforcement learning Engineering
Reinforcement learning Research
We developed tile grouting robots, deployed in Singapore and ready to scale. They are operated by a single button, fully autonomous, small and easy to move around and hence able to boost productivity 5x.
We developed tile grouting robots in record time